The Matic Report focusing on "sexual and reproductive health and rights" is a cocktail of intellectual fraud, dishonesty and delusion. It must be ditched by the European Parliament.
June 19,...
The Matic Report focusing on "sexual and reproductive health and rights" is a cocktail of intellectual fraud, dishonesty and delusion. It must be ditched...
For the foes of Romania's marriage amendment, this initiative is another bump in the road, although a major one.
I promised to occasionally return with...
Find below the video and full transcript of the speech held by Miss Sophia Kuby, Director EU Advocacy ADF International (Brussels), at the International...
On Friday, June 3, 2016 Viking raiders sheepishly released the Bodnariu children back to their parents after feeling the wrath of the Christian God....
Annually, in Norway, nearly 10,000 children are taken away from their parents on a whim by Barnevernet, Norway's Child Protective Services. In mid November...
Questions have abounded whether the Norwegian authorities have been adversely motivated by the Bodnariu Family's Evangelical faith in abducting their five (5) children in...
Norwegians dread Barnevernet. Especially the parents, expectant mothers, and those who practice responsible parenting styles which conflict with Norway's secular parenting ideology. This is...
Nel quadro generale della situazione europea sui temi della famiglia, la Romania ha dimostrato di non voler capitolare di fronte alle pressioni LGBT. Sul...
Surrogacy has become an international industry. Some people single or in couple, go abroad to obtain a child, most likely in violation of national...