Civil rights attorney practicing in Houston, Texas. He also holds a PhD in diplomacy from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in Boston, Massachusetts.
The Matic Report focusing on "sexual and reproductive health and rights" is a cocktail of intellectual fraud, dishonesty and delusion. It must be ditched...
Peter Costea, candidat independent la alegerile europarlamentare din mai, își va lansa prima sa carte, „Înfrângerea lui Goliat: Familia Bodnariu și Creștinii României Îngenunchează...
În ultimele zile ale anului 2018 am citit una dintre cele mai agresive acuze aduse secularismului şi ateismului european peste care am dat vreodată....
For the foes of Romania's marriage amendment, this initiative is another bump in the road, although a major one.
I promised to occasionally return with...
On Friday, June 3, 2016 Viking raiders sheepishly released the Bodnariu children back to their parents after feeling the wrath of the Christian God....
Annually, in Norway, nearly 10,000 children are taken away from their parents on a whim by Barnevernet, Norway's Child Protective Services. In mid November...