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Mobilizare internațională în sprijinul referendumului pentru familie din Croația

uioAproape 80 de organizații care apără drepturile familiei, din Europa și de pe alte continente, au remis parlamentarilor croați o scrisoare deschisă de sprijin pentru referendumul constituțional ce va avea loc în această țară duminică, 1 decembrie. Tema acestui referendum este înscrierea în legea fundamentală a familiei întemeiată pe căsătoria între o femeie și un bărbat. Referendumul a fost convocat după colectarea de către coaliția de ONG-uri conservatoare „În numele familiei” a 750.000 de semnături de la alegătorii croați.

Referendumul are o miză importantă, ambele tabere – lobby-ul homosexual și apărătorii familiei – fiind cu ochii pe Croația. Dacă apărătorii familiei vor avea succes, falia existentă deja între Europa de Vest, căzută fără speranță în mâinile propagandei homosexuale, și Estul în care „căsătoriile” și formele alternative de „familie homosexuală” sunt ca și inexistente.

Inițiativa „În numele familiei” a reușit colectarea a 750.000 de semnături, mai mult de 10% din populația Croației, ca răspuns la pretențiile crescânde ale homosexualilor sprijiniți de SUA de a instituționaliza „căsătoria” și filiația pentru cuplurile de același sex.Semnăturile au fost strânse în doar 2 săptămâni, cu implicarea directă a Bisericii Catolice.

De remarcat că parlamentarii de la Zagreb s-au lăsat greu convinși să fixeze data referendumului și să asigure logistica necesară, guvernul de stânga intenționând chiar o contra-măsură de legiferare a așa-ziselor „parteneriate civile” pentru homosexuali. Efectul acesteia va fi însă mult limitat de noile prevederi constituționale.

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22 November 2013

77 Human Rights organisation support constitutional referendum in Croatian

Dear MEPs of the Republic of Croatia,

On Sunday, December 1, the citizens of your country will be called to a referendum on the question whether marriage shall be “a life union of a woman and a man”.

We, the undersigned, as representatives of 77 human rights organizations from all over Europe and beyond, welcome the referendum as an effort to safeguard and strengthen the most basic institutions of human civilization: marriage and the natural family.

While there is no EU competence with regards to the definition of marriage, we would like to encourage you to stand with your fellow citizens and support them in every possible way as their official representatives in the Europe Parliament. The referendum is perfectly compatible with Croatian and EU law.

There has been overwhelming mobilisation at the grass-­‐roots level on behalf of the institution of traditional marriage; this does not constitute any act of discrimination, as some have suggested. On the contrary, it is a reflection of the understanding that people have that marriage can be nothing more than a union between a man and woman, and that this is a basic good for society as a whole.

Accepting this understanding of marriage does not take away anyone’s rights. It simply preserves and protects the best and most necessary context for the procreation of children, and for the raising and formation of future generations.

The objectives of the December 1 referendum are solidly backed by international law. It reflects both the maturity of the Croatian people and of Croatian democracy itself, as it truly aims at the common good—not just for one part of society but for all and for the country as a whole.

We, the representatives of human rights organizations from across Europe and beyond, firmly support Croatia in this referendum. And we congratulate you for having citizens who are publicly engaged and who actively participate in your country’s democracy.

Sophia Kuby, Executive Director
European Dignity Watch, Brussels, Belgium

Antoine Renard, President
Federation of Catholic Family Associations, Brussels, Belgium

Daniel Wisniewski, Director
World Youth Alliance, Brussels, Belgium

Hedwig von Beverfoerde, Board member
Initiative Familienschutz, Germany

Anne Giraud, President
Femina Europa, France

Aleksander Stępkowski, President
Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture, Poland

Ben Harnwell, Founder
Dignitatis Humanae Institute, Rome, Italy

Peter Cameron Smith, Chief Administrative Officer to the UN for IRLF
The International Right to Life Federation

Johannes de Jong, Board Member
European Christian Political Foundation, Netherlands

Luca Volontè, President
Novae Terrae Foundation, Italy

Edmund P. Adamus, Director
Marriage&Family Life Archdiocese of Westminster, United Kingdom

Tomasz Sieniow, President
The Rule of Law Institute, Poland

David Freeman Prentis, President
Liga pár páru České republiky, o.s., Czech Republic

Ieva Berzina, Chair of the Board
Latvian Identity Support Association, Latvia

Leonor Tamayo, Head of International Area
Profesionales por la Ética, Spain

Pavel Kutina, Member of Elders Council
Úhelný Kamen, Czech Republic

Carlos Eduardo Schaffer
Österreichische Gesellschaft zum Schutz von Tradition, Familie und Privateigentum, Austria

Lina Galgatāvičūte, Member of the board
Kristīgo juristu asociācija (Cristian Lawyer association), Latvia

Ignacio Arsuaga, President, Spain

Guido van Beusekom, General Manager and Board Member
European Christian Political Movement, Netherlands

Alvaro Zulueta, Executive Director
CitizenGo, Spain

Radim Ucháč, President
Hnutí Pro život Czech Republic

Gádor Joya, President
Drecho a Vivir, Spain

David Manly, Director
Family & Life Ireland

Austin Ruse, President
Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, New York, USA

Mechthild Löhr, President
Kateřina Ucháčová, President
Res Claritatis, Czeck Republic

Christine de Marcellus Vollmer, Presidente
Alianza Latinoamericana para la Familia

James P. Kelly, III, President
Solidarity Center for Law and Justice, P.C., USA

Igor Vovk, Director
Zavod, Slovenia

Roger Kiska, Senior Legal Counsel
Alliance Defending Freedom, Austria

Michael van der Mast, General Counsil
Schreeuw om Leven / Cry for Life, Netherlands

Isilda Pegado, Presient
Federação portuguesa pela Vida, Portugal

Inês Avelar Santos, President
Vida universitária, Portugal

Pavel Parfentiev, Presient
For Family Rights NGO, Russia

Maria Tatiana Jaroszynska, President
Fundacja Ruchu ku Cywilizacji Milosci im. St. Pruszynskiego, Poland

Jana Jamborová, Secretary General
New Women for Europe, Brussels, Belgium

Antonio Pinheiro Torres, President
Juntos pela Vida, Portugal

Alexey Komov, Presient
Family and Demography Foundation, Russia

Raul Sanchez, Secretary General
European Large Families Confederation (ELFAC), Spain

Ruslan Tkachenko, President
Moscow City Parent’s Committee, Russia

Marija Marolt, Director
Zavod Božji otroci, Slovenia

Dr. Ing. Marie Oujezdska, Director
National centre for family-­‐ Czech republic

Mariusz Dzierżawski, Member of Foundation Council
Fundacja Pro -­‐ prawo do życia , Poland

Anna Zdort, Board Member
Stowarzyszenie Rodzin im. bł Mamy Róży, Poland

Paweł Woliński, President
Fundacja Mamy i Taty , Poland

Elisabeth Montfort, President
Nouveau Féminisme Européen, France

Krystyna Kalagasidis, President
Catholic Families Association of Legnicka Diocese, Poland

Dr. Ulrich und Maria Wolff
Institut der Schönstattfamilien, Germany, Austria, Switzerland

Tomasz Elbanowski and Karolina Elbanowska
Stowarzyszenie i Fundacja Rzecznik Praw Rodziców , Poland

Małgorzata Lusar, President
Stowarzyszenie Głos Rodziców, Poland

Marcela Dobešová, President
Fórum života, Slovakia

Gustavo Berton, President
Movimiento Embrión Humano, Spain

Mila Todorovic, President
Centre for Reproducitve Ethics PRO BABY, Belgrade, Serbia

Jesús Herrera, President
Voto Católico, Colombia

Cornel Barbut, Vice-­‐President
Association of Catholic Families „Vladimir Ghika”, Romania

Dieter Endres, Founder
Family Life Mission, Germany

Mihaela Djorgova, Vice Chairman & Executive Director
Association Society and Values, Bulgaria

Toma Bružaitė, Executive Director
Free Society Institute, Lithuania

Paul Moynan, President
Hope Alive, Belgium

Rainhard Kloucek, Secretary General
Paneuropa Movement, Austria

Amparo Medina Guerrera, Coordinadora
Red Vida y Familia, Ecuador

Nuno von Amann de Campos, President
ACMedia – Associação Portuguesa de Consumidores dos Media, Portugal

CNAF – Confederação Nacional das Associações de Família, Portugal

Fernando Ribeiro e Castro, President
President of apfn -­‐ portuguese large families association, Portugal

Norberto Dominguez, President
Impulso Joven, Spain

Vjačeslavs Kotigovs, Member of the board
Family Foundation Latvia

Alexandra de Skinner-­‐Klée, President
Asociación La Familia Importa, Guatemala

Carmen Croxatto, President
Red por la Vida y la Familia, Chile

Karina Ordoñez, President
Instituto de Política Familiar, Chile

Steven W. Mosher, President
Population Research Institute, USA

Carlos Polo, President
IDEAS para América Latina, Perú

Jesús Magaña, President
Unidos por la Vida, Colombia

Miguel Hazim R., President
Movimiento de Accion Cristiana, Dominican Republic

Arvids Ulme, Chairman
The Environmental Protection Club of Latvia

Julia Regina de Cardenal, President
Fundación Sí a la Vida, El Salvador

Jorge Nicolás Lafferriere, Director
Centro de Bioetica, Persona y Familia, Argentina

PRO VITA București
PRO VITA București
Asociația PRO VITA Bucureşti este dedicată protejării vieţii umane începând de la concepţie şi promovării valorilor familiei, prin educaţie eficientă, acţiune civică şi legislaţie.

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