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Spania: Juriștii denunță demolarea monumentelor creștine de către administrațiile locale aliate guvernului socialist

Numeroase consilii locale din Spania, aflate sub administrația partidului de guvernământ, Partidul Socialist, ordonă distrugerea simbolurilor religioase din spațiile publice sub pretextul că ar fi fost construite în timpul dictaturii lui Franco. Asociația Avocaților Creștini din Spania denunță „un val de creștinofobie” în țară și acuză partidul socialist de comportament similar cu cel al talibanilor. Organizația anunță că va depune plângeri pentru infracțiuni de ură și discriminare.

Asociația a emis un comunicat de presă internațional, pe care îl reproducem mai jos integral:

Madrid, 8th of june of 2018

Spanish jurists denounce the constant demolition of Christian monuments in the country.

Numerous town councils governed by the party of the new Spanish President, Pedro Sánchez, are ordering the destruction of religious symbols in different Spanish towns. They justify it by claiming that they were built during the dictatorship era.

Only throughout this year, three monuments with Christian crosses and a tile mosaic dedicated to the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus have been demolished.

The destruction of Christian monuments is taking place despite the opposition of a large part of the citizens. We must remember that according to the latest official data, 70% of Spaniards consider themselves to be Catholic.

The Spanish Association of Christian Lawyers condemns that „currently, in Spain, an authentic wave of Christianophobia is being experienced”.

The president of the organization, Polonia Castellanos, has already announced that she will bring the demolition of Christian monuments to the Prosecutor’s Office considering these acts as crimes of hate and discrimination.

On the other hand, the Association has already lodged a complaint against the local rulers that are responsible for the destruction of the religious symbols.


María Riesco Hernández
Communication Manager
Tel.: 622 18 86 26
Twitter: @AbogadosCrist

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