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Etichetă: marriage referendum

The Blood Bath that Wasn’t Supposed to Happen: Romania’s Marriage Amendment

The Romanian marriage referendum failed and it is uncertain that it will ever be put to a vote again. Nevertheless, the positive outcomes must...

Romanians don’t want same-sex marriage. What about their politicians?

Even though the overwhelming majority of Romanians do not want same-marriage legalized in their country and 3 millions of them signed in support of...

Under siege, Romania’s constitutional amendment forges ahead, alive and well

For the foes of Romania's marriage amendment, this initiative is another bump in the road, although a major one. I promised to occasionally return with...

VIDEO Sophia Kuby, ADF International (Brussels) on Romania’s marriage referendum: “Those who claim that same-sex couples and married opposite-sex couples should be treated identically...

Find below the video and full transcript of the speech held by Miss Sophia Kuby, Director EU Advocacy ADF International (Brussels), at the International...

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AcasăEticheteMarriage referendum